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9-Day Scenic and Cultural Tour Across Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Huangshan

From $490 per person
9-Day Scenic and Cultural Tour Across Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Huangshan
  • 9-Day Scenic and Cultural Tour Across Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Huangshan
  • 9-Day Scenic and Cultural Tour Across Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Huangshan
  • 9-Day Scenic and Cultural Tour Across Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Huangshan
  • 9-Day Scenic and Cultural Tour Across Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Huangshan
  • 9-Day Scenic and Cultural Tour Across Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Huangshan
  • 9-Day Scenic and Cultural Tour Across Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Huangshan
  • 9-Day Scenic and Cultural Tour Across Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Huangshan

Tour Style:
Take in the highlights of this 9-day Shanghai Suzhou Hangzhou and Huangshan tour package covering the best cities around Shanghai, accompanied by a private guide and including accommodation, meals and transport. Cruise down the Grand Canal in Suzhou, visit Suzhou's ancient gardens and spend a leisure time in water town. Soak up the scenery of Hangzhou visiting the famous West Lake, the Longjing Tea Plantation and village. Then, explore the "No.1 Mountain under the Heaven"-Huangshan, hike through the surrounding mountains and explore the UNESCO-listed Village Hongcun Village.

Duration: 9 Days 8 Nights

Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Huangshan

Pick-up point:
Shanghai International Airport

Finishing point:
Shanghai International Airport

Tour Customizable:
Absolutely! (Tell us your specific requirements in the inquiry)

Payment Types:
Cash,Wire,Paypal,WesternUnion, Wechat, Alipay

Available: Daily



Day 1 Shanghai Arrival
Day 2 Shanghai: Yuyuan Garden & Bazaar, Nanjing Road, The Bund, Huangpu River Night Cruise
Day 3 Shanghai-Suzhou by bullet train: Lingering Garden, Tiger Hill, Pingjiang Ancient Street
Day 4 Suzhou-Hangzhou: Tongli Water Town, Take train to Hangzhou
Day 5 Hangzhou: Boat cruise around West Lake, Fish Watching at Flower Pond, Lingyin Temple, Meijiawu Tea Plantation, Qinghefang Old Street, Impression West Lake Show
Day 6 Hangzhou-Huangshan by bullet train: Hangzhou to Huangshan by Bullet train, Tunxi Ancient Street
Day 7 Huangshan: Hongcun Ancient Village, Huangshan Scenic Area
Day 8 Huangshan-Shanghai by train: Enjoy Huangshan Sunrise, Take train to Shanghai
Day 9 Shanghai Departure

Day 1 Shanghai Arrival

  • Place&Transport: Shanghai
  • Today's Activities: Pick up at the exit of airport/train station
  • Accommodation: Four or Five Stars Hotel(Can be customized) in Shanghai
  • Meal: N/A

Upon your arrival in Shanghai, our friendly local guide will welcome you at the airport, holding a "Your Way Holiday" sign for easy recognition. They'll whisk you away to your hotel in a comfortable ride, assisting with check-in to ensure a smooth start to your visit. Whether you choose to relax or begin exploring the city right away, our guide is on hand to offer tips and help you settle in, exemplifying professional service from the get-go.

Your Way Holiday in Shanghai

Day 2 Shanghai

  • Place&Transport: Shanghai
  • Today's Activities: Yuyuan Garden & Bazaar, Nanjing Road, The Bund, Huangpu River Night Cruise
  • Accommodation: Four or Five Stars Hotel(Can be customized) in Shanghai
  • Meal: B,L

In the peaceful embrace of Yuyuan Garden, the whispers of ancient scholars and the laughter of past festivities linger among the intricate pavilions and vast rockeries. The garden, a labor of love and testament to filial piety, invites you to explore its hidden nooks, where dragons carved in stone seem to slumber amidst lush foliage. As our guide deciphers the symbolism within these landscapes, the garden’s soul, with its stories of Ming Dynasty grandeur, unfolds before you.


The vibrant Yuyuan Bazaar is a stone's throw away, where Shanghai's pulse is palpable. The market's alleys, rich with the scents of regional specialties, beckon you to taste the city’s culinary heritage. Amid the chorus of haggling and laughter, our guide will navigate you through the labyrinth of stalls, revealing the history woven into the fabric of local life, from the art of silk fan making to the craftsmanship of bamboo carving.

City God TempleCity God temple

Nanxiang Dumpling House awaits, offering a reprieve and a taste of the city’s soul with its renowned Xiaolongbao. Each dumpling, a pouch of fragrant broth and succulent pork, is a bite-sized journey through Shanghai's gastronomic history. As our guide unfolds the legends behind these culinary wonders, you’re not merely dining; you’re partaking in a ritual that is quintessentially Shanghainese.

The day continues at The Bund, a promenade lined with edifices whispering tales of opulence and trade. Here, every building, from the Art Deco hotels to the Neoclassical banks, narrates a chapter of Shanghai’s international allure. With our guide, the history of these structures becomes as vivid as the contrasting views of the cutting-edge skyline across the river, offering a dialogue between Shanghai's storied past and its futuristic ambitions.

The BundThe bund

Continue your tour to Nanjing Road, Nanjing Road beckons with its vibrant array of shops that echo with the footsteps of countless shoppers from different eras. As you traverse this commercial mecca, your senses are assailed by the dynamic blend of the traditional and the modern, the East and the West. Our guide weaves tales that bring the history of Asia's premier shopping street to life, where every window display and neon sign has a story worth telling.

Shanghai Beijing 7 Days High-speed Train TourShanghai Beijing 7 Days High-speed Train Tour Nanjing Road

Your day culminates with a Huangpu River Night Cruise, where the water becomes a mirror reflecting the city’s nocturnal beauty. Against the backdrop of the illuminated skyline, our guide shares anecdotes about the lifeblood of Shanghai, the river that has cradled its growth. This cruise is not just a journey across the water but a voyage through time, narrated by the lapping waves and the silent sentinels of the city's architecture.

Huangpu RiverHuangpu Boat

Returning to your hotel, the day’s adventures settle into memory. Our guide, your companion in this urban exploration, ensures that the heart of Shanghai, with its maze of streets, gardens, and rivers, is not just visited but intimately known. With "Your Way Holiday," every encounter is designed to deepen your connection with Shanghai's indelible spirit.

Day 3 Shanghai-Suzhou

  • Place&Transport: Shanghai
  • Today's Activities: Take bullet train to Suzhou, Suzhou morning market, Lingering Garden, Tiger Hill, Pingjiang Ancient Street
  • Accommodation: Four or Five Stars Hotel(Can be customized) in Suzhou
  • Meal: B,L

Start your day with a smooth and speedy transfer to the train station, embarking on a journey to Suzhou, where ancient gardens whisper tales of the past amidst the bustling modern cityscape. Upon arrival in Suzhou, a city renowned for its exquisite classical gardens and elegant waterways, you'll be welcomed by your guide, holding a "Your Way Holiday" sign, ready to unveil the wonders of this enchanting city.

bullet trainbusiness seat

In the morning, we head to Suzhou's vibrant wet market to kick off an energetic day. This visit is a golden opportunity to dive deep into the locals' life, steering clear of the usual tourist trails and crowded spots. As we navigate through the bustling alleyways, you'll find yourself in the heart of local culture, amidst the din of vehicles and shouts of street vendors. Currently, the wet market scene in Suzhou retains much of its "old China" charm, pulsating with life and tradition.

morning-market-suzhou-toursuzhou morin market breakfast

Your Suzhou exploration starts at the Lingering Garden, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of China's most celebrated classical gardens. As you step into this oasis of tranquility, you'll find yourself transported into a realm where nature and architecture blend harmoniously. The garden is a masterpiece of Qing Dynasty landscape design, featuring a labyrinth of corridors, rockeries, and pavilions that evoke a sense of endless discovery. Each hall and garden within the Lingering Garden tells its own story, with meticulously arranged rocks and water features that mirror the natural world's beauty. Our guide will enrich your visit with stories of the garden's history and the philosophical concepts underlying its design, making your exploration an immersive experience in Chinese cultural aesthetics.

Lingering GardenLingering garden

After admireing the classic Chinese gardens, our guide will take you to a local restaurant for lunch to try the authentic Suzhou food.

Lunch offers a delightful immersion into Suzhou's culinary heritage, with our guide leading you to a local restaurant renowned for its authentic flavors. Here, you'll savor dishes that reflect the region's rich gastronomic traditions, from sweet and subtle to rich and savory, each bite a testament to Suzhou's place in the tapestry of Chinese cuisine. This meal is not just about tasting; it's about understanding the cultural significance of food in Suzhou, with our guide sharing insights that deepen your appreciation for each dish's history and preparation.

In the afternoon, the tour continues to Tiger Hill, a site steeped in legend and beauty. Despite its modest height, Tiger Hill is a microcosm of Suzhou's historical depth, hosting an array of ancient relics that tell tales of dynasties past. From the leaning Yunyan Pagoda, known as the 'Leaning Tower of Suzhou,' to the mysterious Sword Pond believed to hide ancient treasures, Tiger Hill offers a journey through China's rich history. Our guide will bring these stories to life, connecting you to the legends and historical events that have shaped Tiger Hill into a symbol of Suzhou.

Tiger Hilltiger hill

The day's exploration culminates on Pingjiang Ancient Street, a living museum of Suzhou's Song Dynasty heritage. As you meander along this ancient thoroughfare, flanked by canals and traditional residences, you'll experience the enduring charm of Suzhou's old town. Pingjiang Ancient Street is a vibrant blend of history, culture, and modern life, where tea houses, artisan shops, and street performers create an atmosphere of timeless vitality. Our guide will introduce you to the street's historical significance, pointing out architectural features and cultural landmarks that reveal layers of Suzhou's past, making your stroll a deep dive into the heart of the city's heritage.

Pingjiang RoadPingjiang road

As the day draws to a close and you're escorted back to your Suzhou hotel, the experiences of the day merge into a vivid tapestry of cultural discovery and personal connections. Our guide's dedication to providing a rich, engaging narrative ensures that your journey through Suzhou is not just a tour, but a deeply enriching experience that connects you to the essence of this ancient city. With "Your Way Holiday," every moment in Suzhou is infused with the promise of discovery, expertly guided and personally tailored for an unforgettable exploration of China's garden city.

Day 4 Suzhou-Hangzhou

  • Place&Transport: Suzhou
  • Today's Activities: Tongli Water Town, Take train to Hangzhou
  • Accommodation: Four or Five Stars Hotel(Can be customized) in Hangzhou
  • Meal: B,L

After a hearty breakfast, prepare yourself for a journey to Tongli Water Town, a serene gem nestled within the Jiangsu province, approximately an hour’s drive from Suzhou. This ancient town, with a history spanning over a millennium, has gracefully transitioned into a captivating tourist destination while preserving its historic essence. Tongli is a picturesque tableau of classical architecture, where stone bridges arc over tranquil waterways, leading to well-maintained residences, private gardens, and venerable temples, all echoing the rich cultural heritage of the Yangtze River Delta.

Tongli Water TownTongli water town

Your exploration commences at the Retreat and Reflection Garden, a pinnacle of Suzhou garden design that gained UNESCO World Heritage status alongside Suzhou’s famed gardens in 2001. This garden is a marvel of architectural symmetry and natural beauty, featuring a unique east-west axis that distinguishes it from its counterparts. As you meander through its elegant pavilions, serene ponds, and lush landscapes, our guide will unravel the stories and artistic philosophies that have shaped this tranquil haven, making your visit an immersive experience into traditional Chinese garden culture.

The journey continues to Luo Xingzhou, the enchanting island at the core of Tongli Lake, where the past seems to breathe through the regal residences, ancient bridges, and stone-paved paths. A traditional wooden boat cruise offers a serene vantage point to appreciate the water town's charm, followed by a leisurely exploration of the island’s quaint streets and historical structures. This experience, enhanced by our guide's insights, invites you to discover the tranquility and beauty that lie at the heart of Tongli's watery landscape.

Lunch promises a delightful foray into local cuisine at a Chinese restaurant, where the flavors of the water town come alive, offering a taste of the region's culinary heritage under the guidance of our expert guide.

Your cultural immersion deepens with a visit to Chongben Hall, renowned for its exquisite wood carvings that narrate tales from the Yangtze River Delta’s folklore. Following this, the Jiayin Hall awaits, a mansion built in 1912 that houses remarkable engravings inspired by “Romance of the Three Kingdoms,” showcasing the precision and depth of traditional Chinese woodcraft. Our guide will illuminate the history and artistry behind these mansions, connecting you to the cultural fabric of Tongli.

The tour culminates with a walk across the Three Bridges, symbolic structures that local residents cross during celebratory events, invoking blessings for health, happiness, and prosperity. As you traverse these bridges, our guide will share the folklore and significance behind this tradition, offering a glimpse into the communal spirit of Tongli.

Upon concluding your visit, a comfortable transfer awaits to bring you to the Suzhou train station, setting the stage for your high-speed journey to Hangzhou. There, another "Your Way Holiday" guide will greet you, ensuring a seamless continuation of your adventure. Dinner at your Hangzhou hotel marks a relaxing end to a day filled with discovery, with our guide's expertise ensuring each moment in Tongli and beyond is not just seen, but felt, promising a deeply personal and enriching travel experience.

Day 5 Hangzhou

  • Place&Transport: Hangzhou
  • Today's Activities: Moring market, Boat cruise around West Lake, Fish Watching at Flower Pond, Lingyin Temple, Meijiawu Tea Plantation, Qinghefang Old Street, Impression West Lake Show
  • Accommodation: Four or Five Stars Hotel(Can be customized) in Hangzhou
  • Meal: B,L

Kick off your day with a lively Morning Market & Breakfast Experience in Hangzhou, designed for those looking to immerse themselves in the authentic local lifestyle. Whether your hotel doesn't serve breakfast or you're simply a culinary explorer, this adventure is your gateway to experiencing the city's morning vibe. Wander the quaint streets, alleys, and vibrant markets as the city stirs to life. Led by our guide, you'll dive into Hangzhou's morning scene, sampling traditional breakfast delicacies in hidden spots you wouldn't find on your own. This experience is more than a meal; it's a deep dive into Hangzhou's everyday rhythm, offering a taste of the city's soul through its rich and varied breakfast culture.

hangzhou morning marketmorning market

Starting your day in Hangzhou, our guide warmly greets you at your hotel, setting the stage for a journey into the heart of the city's tranquil beauty. Your adventure begins with a serene boat ride on West Lake, immersing you in a landscape that feels lifted from a traditional Chinese painting. As the boat glides over the calm waters, surrounded by lush islands and ancient architecture, our guide's storytelling brings to life the legends and history that have shaped this iconic site. This experience not only showcases Hangzhou's natural splendor but also connects you with the cultural essence that makes West Lake a symbol of peace and beauty.


Transitioning from the serene waters of West Lake, we explore the vibrant hues of Huagang Park, a space where nature's artistry is on full display. As you meander through gardens bursting with color and life, our guide illuminates the significance of each botanical wonder and the ancient practice of fish watching, offering a glimpse into traditional Chinese leisure activities. This tranquil stroll through Huagang Park beautifully contrasts the bustling city life, providing a moment of reflection amidst the natural and cultural splendor of Hangzhou.


The spiritual journey continues as we delve into the serene grounds of Lingyin Temple, one of China's most significant Buddhist sanctuaries. Here, amidst ancient structures and sacred grottoes, the stories of Buddhist monks and their timeless teachings come alive. Our guide ensures that every statue, carving, and pagoda tells a part of the temple's storied history, enriching your understanding of China's spiritual heritage and architectural grandeur. Lingyin Temple's peaceful atmosphere and rich history make it a highlight of Hangzhou's cultural landscape.

Lingyin TempleLingyinTemple

A culinary adventure awaits at a Local Tea Farmer's Tea House, where Hangzhou's flavors are yours to discover. Whether you're engaging in a hands-on cooking lesson or simply savoring the local delicacies, our guide offers insights into the region's culinary traditions, turning lunch into an interactive and flavorful experience. Surrounded by the lush greenery of tea plantations, this meal not only tantalizes the taste buds but also deepens your connection to Hangzhou's agricultural roots and tea culture.

As afternoon unfolds, we venture into the scenic beauty of Meijiawu Tea Village. Strolling through verdant fields of Longjing tea, our guide shares the intricacies of tea cultivation and its significance in Chinese culture. This immersive exploration into the world of tea provides a sensory journey through the aromas and tastes that define Hangzhou's tea heritage, blending educational insights with the natural beauty of the tea plantations.


Our day culminates with a stroll down Qinghefang Old Street, a vibrant thoroughfare that captures the essence of old Hangzhou. As we navigate through bustling markets and past historic buildings, our guide's expertise transforms the street into a living museum, where every shop and alleyway has a story to tell. This lively exploration offers a taste of Hangzhou's rich cultural tapestry, merging history with contemporary life.

HuqingyutangHu qing yu tang

The evening's highlight is "Impression West Lake," a performance that magically combines local folklore with breathtaking visuals. As the day's experiences meld into this spectacular display, our guide ensures a seamless return to your hotel, reflecting on a day filled with beauty, culture, and tradition. This carefully curated journey through Hangzhou not only showcases its iconic sites but also weaves a narrative that connects you deeply with the city's soul.

Impression West Lake ShowImpression WestLake Show

Day 6 Hangzhou-Huangshan

  • Place&Transport: Hangzhou
  • Today's Activities: Hangzhou to Huangshan by Bullet train, Tunxi Ancient Street
  • Accommodation: Four or Five Stars Hotel(Can be customized) in Huangshan
  • Meal: B,L

Pick up from your hotel and transfer to Hangzhou train station to catch your train to Huangshan. Upon on your arrival, our Huangshan local guide will meet you at the exit of the station with welcome sign "Your Way Holiday". Our guide will take you to have a simple lunch.

After a cozy lunch, where you'll taste local flavors that introduce the culinary heritage of the region, we'll guide you through the ancient Tunxi Ancient Street. This historic thoroughfare, dating back to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, is a living museum of Chinese culture and commerce. As you stroll along the stone-paved street, lined with well-preserved buildings that echo the architectural style of ancient China, you'll encounter a vibrant array of shops. From antique dealers and traditional tea houses to local art galleries, each establishment offers a glimpse into the enduring traditions and artistic heritage of Huangshan. Our guide will bring these stories to life, offering insights into the history behind the handicrafts, the origins of the medicinal herbs in the apothecaries, and the social significance of the tea culture in China.

Tunxi Ancient StreetTunxi Ancient street

The day concludes as we escort you to your hotel in Huangshan for check-in. This transition from the bustling ancient street to the tranquility of your hotel is designed to be as smooth and comfortable as possible, reflecting our dedication to your care and the professional standard of our service. Our guide will ensure that your accommodation meets your expectations, setting the stage for the next day's adventure in the breathtaking landscapes of Huangshan. This day is just the beginning of a journey that promises not only to showcase the scenic and cultural highlights of Huangshan but also to connect you with the soul of this remarkable part of China through our expertly guided and thoughtfully arranged experiences.

Day 7 Huangshan

  • Place&Transport: Huangshan
  • Today's Activities: Hongcun Ancient Village, Huangshan Scenic Area
  • Accommodation: Four or Five Stars Hotel(Can be customized) in Huangshan
  • Meal: B,L

Start your day with a refreshing morning checkout from your hotel, and let's set off to unveil the storybook charm of Hongcun Ancient Village. Imagine a place where every alley, every building whispers tales from the Song Dynasty, encapsulating the essence of ancient China's architecture. Hongcun, a scenic wonder straight out of traditional Chinese paintings, offers an immersive dive into a world where history and harmony blend seamlessly. Recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it stands as a testament to the architectural ingenuity of the Anhui region, where serene waterways mirror age-old structures, inviting tranquility and awe. Our guide will breathe life into these stories, ensuring your exploration of Hongcun becomes a vivid journey through time.

Ho'n'g cunHongcun

Lunch is a flavorful affair in Hongcun, where local delicacies reflect the village's rich culinary heritage. Savor dishes that tell stories of the region's landscape and people, an experience enhanced by our guide's insights into the cultural significance of what's on your plate.

The adventure ascends in the afternoon as we journey to the foothills of the majestic Mt. Huangshan. Board the Yungu cable car, and as you ascend, marvel at iconic peaks like the Beginning-to-Believe Peak, the Lion Peak, and the Brush Pen Peak. Each formation has its own legend, which our guide will share, adding depth to the breathtaking vistas. Atop Huangshan, the world unfolds in an expansive tapestry of craggy rocks, ancient pines, and ethereal clouds, a panorama deserving of its title as "the loveliest mountain of China." The sunset from Cloud Dispelling Pavilion is a moment suspended in time, a spectacle our guide ensures you fully appreciate through stories and strategic viewpoints.

Beginning to believe PeakHuangshan

After a day rich in natural wonder and cultural exploration, we ensure a smooth transition to your mountain-top hotel, where dinner awaits. As you dine amidst the tranquility of Huangshan, reflect on a day where every moment was curated for your immersion and enjoyment, a testament to our dedication to delivering not just a tour, but an experience that resonates with the soul of China.

Day 8 Huangshan-Shanghai

  • Place&Transport: Huangshan
  • Today's Activities: Enjoy Huangshan Sunrise,Take train to Shanghai
  • Accommodation: Four or Five Stars Hotel(Can be customized) in Huangshan
  • Meal: B

Kick off your day with an adventure you won't forget – catching the sunrise at Huangshan. If the weather's on our side, we'll head to the Refreshing Terrace, super close to where you're staying. Imagine this: the sky slowly lighting up, the sun peeking through, and those ancient rocks getting bathed in a golden glow. It's not just a sight to see; it feels like you're part of something bigger. Our guide will fill you in on all the cool stories and facts about what you're seeing, making it all the more special.

3-Day Beijing Huangshan Sightseeing Tour with Round-trip High-speed Train3-Day Beijing Huangshan Sightseeing Tour with Roundtrip High speed Train

After you've soaked in the sunrise and had breakfast, we've got more epic stuff planned. We're hitting up Dawn Pavilion and Stone Monkey Watching the Sea at Lion Peak. Each spot's got its own vibe and tales that our guide will clue you in on, making every step of the walk feel like you're walking through a legend. Then, it's a chill cable car ride down the mountain, giving you one last look at the beauty you've just wandered through.

The journey back to Shanghai is smooth sailing – we've got the lunch and train tickets all sorted. Once you're back, the city's buzz welcomes you. But we're not done yet. Dinner's on us at a spot that shows off Shanghai's best flavors, before we drop you off at your hotel. It's a full day, from sunrise to sunset, filled with awe, flavors, and stories, all brought together with our top-notch service to make sure you get the most out of every moment.

Day 9 Shanghai Departure

  • Place&Transport: Shanghai
  • Today's Activities: Shanghai Departure
  • Accommodation: N/A
  • Meal: B

Take it easy in the morning, soaking up your last moments here. When it's time, we'll smoothly whisk you off to the airport, ensuring you're comfortably on your way home. Hope you've had an unforgettable journey with us. Until next time, safe travels!

From $490 per person
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Price Per Person in US Dollars

Price Includes

1. Cozy Ride: Enjoy the comfort and spaciousness of our air-conditioned car, offering scenic views.
2. Bilingual Expert Guide: Benefit from a personalized experience with a guide fluent in your language, catering to your needs.
3. Entrance Fees: Access all attractions and activities mentioned in the itinerary without worrying about additional entrance fees.
4. Seamless Transfer: Enhance your experience with convenient hotel or train station pickup and drop-off service.
5. Connect Seamlessly: Stay connected with complimentary onboard WiFi, allowing you to share your experiences in real-time.
6. City-to-City Train Tickets: Include the cost of train or flight tickets between the cities listed in the itinerary, ensuring a smooth and efficient travel experience.
7. Selected Hotels and Daily Breakfast: Experience a comfortable stay in handpicked hotels, each chosen for its quality and amenities. Enjoy a daily breakfast at the hotel, starting your day on a delicious note.
8. Complimentary Water: Receive a complimentary bottle of water for each person, keeping you refreshed throughout your journey.
9. Travel Agency Liability Insurance: Benefit from coverage under our travel agency liability insurance, providing added protection and peace of mind during your trip.

Price Excludes

1. Personal Expenses: This includes phone bills, laundry, additional tours, postage, and any entertainment fees not covered in the itinerary.
2. Meals: While meals are not included, our guide will recommend the best local food spots, giving you the chance to explore and choose based on your preferences. (Average cost per person for a regular meal at local eateries: 40RMB/6USD-80RMB/12USD)
3. Tips: Tips are not mandatory but are recommended for excellent service. If you feel satisfied with the service, you may consider leaving a tip.
4. Insurance: Insurance coverage for personal loss, illness, or damages incurred during your trip is not included.
5. Optional Activities: Any optional activities listed in the itine

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